This unsuccessful guy will teach you the suprising secret to success

Red Skull saying I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess

The earliest memory I can remember is when my mom first lied to me.

She said that I was just like a Spiderman, bound to be a web-slinging vigilante and to save children and adults alike.

But I’m not like Spiderman.

Being a productivity fiend who hasn’t had a yoctogram (10^-24th of a gram) of success, I bear a striking resemblance to the Red Skull.

He’s the bald-headed - and can’t forget red - Marvel villain everyone forgets, but I’ll always remember him because of that one meme with him and Thanos:

“I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess” - Red Skull

For every 100 productivity junkies hooked on the dream of success, only one actually achieves it. 1%. We hear people say that figure, and we smile. We dream of it. We know it belongs to us.

But we’ve forgotten how astronomically small 1% really is.

We’ve scoffed at Covid’s 3% death rate and even more so for flu’s 1%. Rather than think that for every 100 million people with the flu, a million could die, we’d prefer to believe we’re invincible.

After all, it’s only 1%.

But when we hear about the people at the top, the 1% enjoying their lives in luxury, we think that’ll be me one day.

How I wish we were right.

How difficult becoming part of the 1% really is

Multiplying all those independent events together (I hope you remember your probability classes), there’s only 0.1% of people living in the US that meet these criteria.

Despite the millions of people you see on Instagram everyday that have these desirable qualities, is the percentage really that small? The combination of these three simple traits isn’t so common after all? These stats have to be wrong, right?

Well, they could be. I honestly think the percentage is even lower than what it is right now.

You only feel like the 1% is common - even when it objectively isn’t - because the 1% is loud. It’s in their nature for the people on top to be loud, famous, and ever-present.

If there are 8 billion people on this planet (by 2030), there are 80 million in the 1%. No matter which way you tilt your head and contort your neck, 80 million is 80 million. When 80 million people scream, “look at me! I’m important!” you’re bound to notice it.

Because we notice the guy with the 6 pack. We notice the guy with lambo. What we don’t see are the 100 other guys hidden behind his shadow - the McDonald workers, garbage truck drivers, and Amazon delivery guys.

Only 8.86% of all YouTube channels have over 1000 subscribers. For 10,000 - the coveted sub-1%.

For every loud 1%, we have the quiet 99. There’s more of them than you can imagine.

Don’t fall into the trap of rushing to become part of the 1%. If you rush, you cut corners. If you cut corners, you fail to do the real work that gets you success.

The first step to success - according to an unsuccessful guy - is to break the illusion of the 1%. Yes, it may seem like 10 LA girls per 105m2105m^2 post Tiktoks and earn 318K per month, but don’t fall for it.

It’s just them being loud.

The secret to success: how to become part of the 1%

The secret to success isn’t something cryptic or vague. Mathematics support the universe’s foundation, and success is a simple equation.

To become part of the 1%, you must rise above the other 99%. Every step of the way, you must ask yourself this:

What can I do that will set me apart from 99% of people?

The answer will always be something difficult, something you’re not willing to do. If the answer makes you squirm and sweat, then do it. You’re on the right path.

It’s such a simple equation: to get into the 99th percentile, you must rise above 99% of people. When you chase success, this equation is the only thing you need to remember, like an incessant mantra droning on and on.

I know what you’re thinking. This can’t possibly be it. But it is, and that’s the beauty of it.

The universe has mathematically ordained success to be difficult. You either need insane luck or insane work ethic, but anything less than that shrouds you in the ashes of the unknown.

With hard work, success is guaranteed. And I’m not talking about writing an essay for three hours or getting that report done faster than normal. You must do things that 99% of other people wouldn’t do.

80% of people watch TV daily and for 3 hours on average (Television statistics source). 95% would watch only once a week or once a month. 99% would watch tv once a year.

To become part of the 1%, don’t watch TV at all.

You won’t do it. I didn’t do it, and I’m not going to either. But this beautiful equation would guarantee you success if you didn’t watch TV at all.

You would do something 99% of people wouldn’t do, leaving you with more time and energy to chase what matters.

Success isn’t easy, and this equation will remind you of that. The odds of dying from the flu and achieving success are identical.

But catching the flu is random. You have control over success - that’s the important part. This equation gives you that control. Success isn’t going to be easy because the math ordains success to be hard, but it’s possible.

Chances are you already know what will separate you from the 99% and guarantee you success. The question is, are you willing to do it?